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Natura 2000, Nature Reserve

The LIFE project area is located entirely within the Habitats Directive area No. 15, "Küstenheiden und Krattwälder bei Cuxhaven" (official No.: DE 2117-331). This Habitats Directive area was registered by the federal country of Lower Saxony with the EU in 1999. In 2004, the EU entered it into its list of areas of common significance, with a small extension (Moorschlatt near Altenwalde).

The European legal commitment to safeguard this Habitats Directive area was also fulfilled in 2004 with the designation of the area as the nature reserve "Cuxhavener Küstenheiden". The LIFE project area of approximately 580 hectares is in its entirety part of the nature reserve, which consists of an area of approximately 892 hectares. The project area encompasses further valuable heath areas, among others the Sahlenburger Heide, Spangener Heide and parts of Duhner Heide.

Ausschilderung Bildrechte: NLWKN
Nature reserve and LIFE project area signs

The point of contact for questions about the nature reserve bye-law is the city of Cuxhaven as the lower nature conservation authority.

Life Bildrechte: NLWKN


Hannah Burmester

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Lüneburg
Adolph-Kolping-Str. 6
D-21337 Lüneburg
Tel: +49 (0)4131 2209-221

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