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Planning basis

The “Hannoversche Moorgeest” LIFE+ Project follows on from the first planning phase of the Hanover Region’s large-scale "Hannoversche Moorgeest" nature conservation project (“large-scale” denoting a project of national representative importance). The current LIFE Project can draw on extensive work previously done during that period. The following text documents and maps are used as a basis:

Pflege- und Entwicklungsplan  
Pflege- und Entwicklungsplan “Hannoversche Moorgeest” (“Hannoversche Moorgeest” Management and Development Plan), Land and Water Working Group, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaiser, July 2010, on behalf of the Hanover Region communal organisation, including three volumes with basic information on the topics of “Local Conditions”, “Biotope Types, Vegetation and Flora” and “Fauna”

Paper on the FFH types within the area: FFH-Basiserfassung in den FFH-Gebieten Nr. 95 “Helstorfer, Otternhagener und Schwarzes Moor” und Nr. 96 “Bissendorfer Moor” in der Region Hannover (Basic record of FFH’s in FFH areas No. 95 “Helstorfer, Otternhagener und Schwarzes Moor” and No. 96 “Bissendorfer Moor”), by Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaiser, December 2009
Sozioökonomische Analyse  
Socio-economic analysis of the large-scale “Hannoversche Moorgeest” nature conservation project (for internal use only), published by BTE – Tourismusmanagement, Regionalentwicklung 2010, on behalf of Hanover Region communal organisation
  • Papers on basic aspects of water legislation within the scope of the Management and Development Plan, by INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT HEIDT & PETERS mbh in May 2010
  • Findings from different working parties, from a project support working group and from the work of a project committee.


Susanne Brosch

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Hannover-Hildesheim
- Projektleitung Life+ Moorgeest
Göttinger Chaussee 76 A
D-30453 Hannover
Tel: +49 (0)511 / 3034-3115

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