NLWKN Niedersachsen klar Logo

Project Organisation

A work group was established for the co-operation of all immediately involved in the project. Generally this group meets once a month ("small work group"). It consists of the NLWKN, BIMA and the city of Cuxhaven as the lower nature conservation authority. The group is expanded when necessary. For example when questions of veterinary law are discussed, a representative of the veterinary authority for the district of Cuxhaven will join.

The graphic shows the organisational structure of the project execution:

Organisation Bildrechte: NLWKN
An associated work group was established to integrate other stakeholders into the LIFE project. This group has the task of advising the project sponsors and furnishing them with ideas for the execution of the project. Its members also act as conciliators and facilitators.
Life Bildrechte: NLWKN


Hannah Burmester

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Lüneburg
Adolph-Kolping-Str. 6
D-21337 Lüneburg
Tel: +49 (0)4131 2209-221

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