NLWKN Niedersachsen klar Logo

Quiet zone and blocked pathways

Blocked access in the bog around Rüschendorf Bildrechte: Grafik: Oliver Lange
Blocked access in the bog around Rüschendorf

By blocking access to 6.5km of pathways in the southern part of the project area a 300 hectare "quiet zone" was successfully created in 2003.

In 2006 more pathways with a total length of 14.2km were blocked in the central and northern parts of the project area.

However access to most of those sections is only limited when necessary, specially in winter during the migratory season. Only if sensitive bird species flock in great numbers gates of certain catchment areas will be locked periodically.

Outside migratory seasons visitors might use these pathways though. It’s not intended to lock out visitors from the wetlands. Visitors shall rather be guided to experience the beauty of nature without causing disturbance.

To realise this as good as possible two nature trails were created at the lake as well as a hide for bird watching in the bog near Osterfeine. The hide however was financed by another project.

Pathways were transferred into ownership of Lower Saxony   Bildrechte: NLWKN
Pathways were transferred into ownership of Lower Saxony
LIFE-Logo Bildrechte: Grafik: Oliver Lange
Information materials about the LIFE-project

Please download the flyer or the brochure as pdf-file:

(nicht vollständig barrierefrei)

  Flyer about the LIFE-projects (size: 850 KB)
(PDF, 0,84 MB)

  Brochure about the LIFE-projects (size: 1,7 MB)
(PDF, 1,71 MB)

Informationsmaterialien über die LIFE Projekte

Hier können Sie das Faltblatt und die Broschüre im pdf-Format herunterladen:

(nicht vollständig barrierefrei)

  Faltblatt über das LIFE-Projekt (Dateigröße: 850 KB)
(PDF, 0,84 MB)

  Broschüre (12-seitig) über die LIFE-Projekte (Dateigröße: 1,4 MB)
(PDF, 1,33 MB)


Heinrich Belting

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Außenstelle "Naturschutzstation Dümmer“
Am Ochsenmoor 52
D-49448 Hüde
Tel: +49 (0)5443 / 20468-12
Fax: +49 (0)5443 / 20468-20

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