NLWKN Niedersachsen klar Logo

Project Activities

In order to achive the set goals of:

  • optimising the bogs’ hydrologic balance so as to promote woodland-free high and transition bogs (approx. 500 hectares) as well as bog woodland (approx. 1,000 hectares),
  • large-scale self-dynamic bog and bog woodland development,
  • stabilising populations of rare and endangered fauna and flora species,
  • preserving and restoring a favourable state of moorland-typical FFH types and species on the bogs and at their fringes,
  • fundamental initial restoration in moorland areas that are becoming covered by shrubs,
  • reduction of invasive types of plants not endemic to that area (e.g. cultivated blueberry or Himalayan Balsam (impatiens glandulifera)),and
  • extensive grassland development at the fringes of the bogs

as completely as possible, a number of preparatory, coordinating as well as other measures are required. Numerous findings that can serve as a basis are available from the planning phase of this large-scale project. These will now be checked for plausibility, supplemented and fleshed out. The implementation of actual measures requires detailed planning, which will form the basis for subsequent complex approval procedures.



Susanne Brosch

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Hannover-Hildesheim
- Projektleitung Life+ Moorgeest
Göttinger Chaussee 76 A
D-30453 Hannover
Tel: +49 (0)511 / 3034-3115

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