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Public relations work

The Internet as a modern medium offers an inexpensive source of information that is accessible at any time throughout the world with regard to both presenting own information and retrieving information which third parties have uploaded onto the net. It is therefore indispensable for public relations work. The set-up websites will be updated at regular intervals during the entire project, as a function of the progress the project makes.

Every six months a newsletter will provide information on important events and the current project status.

A flyer will inform the general public (local population, stakeholders and tourists) about the great importance of the four raised bogs in the context of Natura 2000 and sensitise readers to the project’s objectives as well as promote acceptance for the project’s measures. The flyer will contain a description of the landscape, habitats, fauna and flora species, objectives and measures, as well as of the significance of the measures for climate protection and for securing important ecosystem functions.

The flyer (to appear shortly) will be circulated as a printed version and also be available on-line on the Internet as a digital version. It will be circulated via local authorities, tourism associations and the Moor Information Centre (MoorIZ) in Resse. Two editions are planned for the duration of the project.

Regular presswork, especially press releases, for local and regional newspapers will make the project public and report its progress at regular intervals. Press conferences will be conducted as required. Radio and television will be used as an additional medium, when required, especially when larger-scale construction works are carried out (e.g. construction of peat banks).

1. Presseinformation  
1st press meeting with Dr. Birkner (former environment minister) and Hauke Jagau (region president), held in Resse on 30 July 2012 (picture taken by J. Fahning)
Radio coverage by “Deutschlandradio” on Bissendorfer Moor; Mr. Beyer (centre of the picture) interviews Dr. Löhmer (left, FAM) and Mr. Uphues (right, NABU) (picture taken by S. Brosch)
A layman report will be prepared so as to give the public at large a generally comprehensible account of the project. It will provide the general public, in particular local and regional politicians as well as other stakeholders in the region, with comprehensive information towards the end of the project. The report will focus on achieved project results with the aim of promoting high acceptance and support also after the end of the project.

It will be published via the project website and sent by email. A printed version will be circulated, especially among politicians at the local and regional level and among stakeholders in the region.



Susanne Brosch

Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Hannover-Hildesheim
- Projektleitung Life+ Moorgeest
Göttinger Chaussee 76 A
D-30453 Hannover
Tel: +49 (0)511 / 3034-3115

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